Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Blog Posting..

Hey guys.. Im currently working on making this blogspot for House of Pain a successful and entertaining and hopefully you guys stay interested to see what we have in store for you the customer and of course the friends and family of the shop as well. But hey at least we finnally made it out of the stone age and we are getting connected with you. Geez i can barely find the spell check button.. but it is 3:24 am and so far i have been sitting on the couch since 2pm working on a quick youtube video of me and mikes work, and working on this blogspot and several other things here and there. I have alot of ideas about this site and i hope it soon smooths out. I feel like im on my first date and im trying to score that day.. hmm.. or on the magnum at cedar point for the first time and im just barely getting buckled in. Ahh yes nature, tattooing, rollercoasters, first dates and first blogs...and who knows maybe a first ulcer. Well the Youtube video would be posted right now.. but i think theyre staff is sleepin serrriously guys i uploaded it with poison the well as the music and then they say i gotta change the song due to copy rights etc... so i do.. and 3hrs later its still in arbitration and online on youtube with NO MUSIC>> lol see if you can find it .. if you wanna be sneaky or wait for my post tomorrow sometime. And i leave you with a picture of my collection of machines and some art...
tippy top is one of my handmades.. and next row from left to right is Veneno Irons, Juan Puente, Matt Shamah, David Nipples (knapp) and another David Nipples lol.. Then in orange is Dave Ritchie and also in white then kako from spain, nako copper hopper,  and next gen, last row is three seth ciferri machines in a row then Andy johnson and another Nako Machine. im missing a few in this shot but none the less on to a little piece i made..

Gnite and Cheers mate....


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