Friday, November 19, 2010

David "Nipples" Knapp

Just got off the phone with Mr Knapp, hes been in the hospitol for 3 days for Pancreaitis.. doesnt look good. But hes lumber jack tough and i cant wait to see the dood when hes healthy. I texted him to ask if it was ok to post some of his new rotary stuff on the blogsite. I figure to us at H.O.P tattoo hes family and i need to put a post up of his work. If you havent met the guy i can just tell you that hes super helarious and is pretty smart.. he figured out how to design his own frames and actually doin the math for the geometry and knows how to trouble shoot a better machine and is always trying to better his machines and others.. if you cant afford a machine from the dood you should get a rebuild from him. anyhow heres some of his rotary stuff. 

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