Thursday, February 10, 2011

laura's watercolors: drapery

laura's watercolors: drapery: "(11x15) I draped a white cafe curtain over a cardboard box and lit it with my floor lamp. I got a little lost in the folds! But it'll do f..."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mike Malone tattoos

So we just finished a game of some soccer and this random Asian cat came in and we were talking and he goes yea....mike Malone did this tat.. im alll yeeea right.. and he proved it ... here's some flix.. he was kinda crushed when i told him he passed away. Anyway totally cool guy with some sweet old Malone tattys.. and a newer painting i did..time to enjoy some in living color throw backs.. lol..

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Machines by Nako and Amek

So the machines are finished that mike, sarah and tony were working on so i will add some pictures.. both are nice solid liners. Also got a chance to finish building a machine i started back a few months ago, pics below. Also will be building a black and grey machine this week for a friend and hopefully a few more for the holidays. 

In white is Tony's, Nako Machina...and Sarahs in gold and red.


And heres my machine..

Friday, November 19, 2010

David "Nipples" Knapp

Just got off the phone with Mr Knapp, hes been in the hospitol for 3 days for Pancreaitis.. doesnt look good. But hes lumber jack tough and i cant wait to see the dood when hes healthy. I texted him to ask if it was ok to post some of his new rotary stuff on the blogsite. I figure to us at H.O.P tattoo hes family and i need to put a post up of his work. If you havent met the guy i can just tell you that hes super helarious and is pretty smart.. he figured out how to design his own frames and actually doin the math for the geometry and knows how to trouble shoot a better machine and is always trying to better his machines and others.. if you cant afford a machine from the dood you should get a rebuild from him. anyhow heres some of his rotary stuff. 

Staying on the grind..

We managed to accomplish a few other things.. every ones got some little project going on ..Mike and myself are helping with two machines for Sarah and Tony at the shop.. everyone kinda wants to build em these days but i believe we all should. Tony took the liberty of helping me drill out the holes a bit and he put a nice coat of some semen white..mike will be doing the actual build of the project.. but we all put a little something into em.
 David Knapp has a few rotaries hes got going using different odds and ends from here and there. Hes been the guy who's taught me a bunch about them and we've worked on a few of each others projects hear and there. All i can say is screw getting using a cast frame with brass or bronze vices.. they truly suck, some are just fine though. I'm just glad i can tune most machines.  Aside from that Nako has managed to hook a brotha up with a sick little tatty. We will be having a video from that day as well that im gonna chop and screw. 
Any looking forward to Friday thank gawed.
thanks for ready my b.s.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Finally after 15 or more hours since i uploaded to youtube the video is finnally playing correctly. I enjoyed making it and looking forward to making a few more..